How golf club length and lie apply to True Length Technology®
Length and Lie – Understand the importance of the correct length and lie of your golf clubs
Below are a series of CAD images to help in the understanding of the importance of length and lie.
The images show what happens at ground level when a single athletic address position is maintained. In other words, all grips end at exactly the same vertical hand position, placing all the deviation at the head. If the length and lie are designed correctly (slide 1 – True Length Technology®) the head will arrive ‘square at impact’. If the length and lie are not designed correctly, the resultant head position will ‘not be square at impact’ (slides 2 and 3 – typical OEM specifications – 2 views).
This presentation will also help clubmakers develop a sound understanding of why True Length Technology® is the only way they should be building clubs. Please see my Club Maker’s Registry to become a TLT Clubfitter and have your shop listed on my site.
What happens at ground level when you keep a consistent hand position?
The following 3 CAD shots are based on maintaining a singular athletic address position with a common grip height position. This is where your spine tilt as well as the distance from your hands to the ground, remain constant – for every club.
- No palming
- No excess shaft above your hands
- Consistent address position
Slide 1
True Length Technology® math model
Build specifications
With a perfect set-up regardless of your size, all lies angles will sit perfectly from a singular athletic address position.
True Length Technology® has 16 adult fitting charts and 10 more children’s charts, so everyone can be fit perfectly to the math model. No gripping up or down all the while maintaining the same knee bend and spine tilt. One singular athletic address position for every club. It doesn’t get any simpler than this.
This is what you want for a consistent address and a consistent ball flight!
This is True Length Technology!
True Length Technology specifications with a common address position

- True Length Technology with correct lie angles
- One hand position
- One singular address position
- All 3 clubs will sit parallel to the ground relative to this singular athletic address position
- All lie angles are now correct relative to the singular athletic address (and hand) position
- With the correct TLT Series every golfer will stand athletic
- 16 charts that fit a range from a giant of a man to a petite woman
- One singular athletic address position
- One swing
- Mathematically perfect lengths and lie angles
Slide 2 – This is NOT what you want as you will be forced to compensate
Typical OEM specifications
OEM specifications – 1/2″ length increment with 1/2* lie angle change per club.
- the SW sitting correct at ground level
- the 7 iron would be 1.24″ below the ground
- the 3 iron would have to be 2.37″ below the ground.
- The SW is sitting correct at ground level
- The 7 iron is sitting upright 3.8 degrees
- The 3 iron is sitting upright 6.4 degrees
- Directional control, thin shots, risk of the heel catching, choking down in an attempt to correct – are all issues that will live in this OEM set
True Length Technology® will correct the combination of the length and lie – promoting the desired ‘Consistent Athletic Address Position’ as shown in Slide 1

- The above scenarios were developed to help golfers and golf club makers understand the importance of length and lie and why True Length Technology® was developed
- In a typical of set of OEM irons (as purchased), a few clubs may incorrectly have the same lie but different lengths. If so these clubs need to be corrected or you will suffer directional control issues
- You don’t want to compensate your address position so you fit the golf club. You want to remain athletic for every golf club and have the golf club fit you!
- True Length Technology® has multiple ways of correcting your clubs through length adjustments, lie adjustments, or a combination of both
- Custom fit golf clubs, built or corrected to the True Length Technology® math model, will bring your handicap down and your enjoyment up
- Please contact us to get your golf clubs retrofit or have a new set built.